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Must  see

12 May 2024
  Hola! Hello travelers! As the cherry blossom period in Japan - the famous sakura - is actually behind us, I decided to extend this pleasant atmosphere a bit and share a story about the famous Arashiyama Station in Kyoto and the nearby Bamboo Forest. Now, with hindsight, I can say
09 April 2024
  Hola! Amigos :) April, and specifically Monday, April 8, is a magical time and day. We experienced a full solar eclipse in North America. Phenomenal, rare and emotional. As if that wasn't enough, there was a new moon on the same day. What some people predicted is the next end
10 June 2023
Hello Folks! I have just returned from a three-week tour across the Europe and I must admit that I was very lucky because the weather was wonderful, sunny, 22 °, both in Lithuania and Sweden. In Poland, it is of course the most beautiful time of the year. The rainy
26 February 2023
Hello Folks! Everywhere is good, but at home it's best, that's what I would like to say after more than a month and a half of traveling around Europe and Mexico. I finally landed in Sai Gon and what can I say... good morning Viet Nam! The temperatures here pamper
22 October 2022
Hello Folks,  Saturday, October 22, there is a new moon in Asia coming, which will take place on October 25 at 5:14 pm local time. This is exactly the moment when the rainy season comes in the dry season. The intense typhoon season is ending in Southeast Asia, which we
25 September 2022
  Selamat pagi! As announced, we are returning to Bali. It is one of the 17,000 islands in Indonesia and so much is going on there that three articles are not enough to describe the beauty of this island. With its breathtaking scenery and picturesque sunsets, Bali is a tropical paradise
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